Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Application Details When Choosing Your Materials Handling Equipment

It's not always enough to recommend a piece of materials handling equipment to a client based on sales experience alone. Often the client will want a detailed explanation as to why they would require one product over another. Why would they need a forklift when a stacker truck might suffice? Perhaps the reason is repetition, or weight restrictions. Maybe it's ergonomics to assist in lowering the company's injury claims. It could be that the batteries are meant for a short run time whereas others are meant for a full shift(s) between charges. Tire types also come into play i.e. pneumatic VS rubber VS poly. It might just come down to dollars and cents.

Regardless the specifics in your application, there are many factors that will be weighed when choosing the correct piece of equipment for the job.

Stärkehas recently included detailed dialogue to assist in making a more educateddecision on what truck makes the most sense in a specific application. These details are to be discussed with your sales person, but will offer a deeper understanding of when one machine should be utilized over another.

For example: you wouldn't prefer a manual pump truck to unload a full trailer several times a day and cart the skids through a large warehouse just because it is the most economical option. That would cost you time, employee moral, undue wear on a unit not built to sustain that kind of abuse, and potentially claims with WSIB. 

There are many factors to consider, and each industry and individual warehouse or factory has their own combination. To get started, look at what Stärke has put together and don't make any decisions until you've spoken to an authorized Stärke sales person. Because it makes sense to expect peace of mind at a fair price.

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